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Morgan Laurens

see your work in a whole new light

Forward-thinking copy for fearless creatives. Arts writing that transforms, clarifies, and connects


Vision and concept take research. Interviews, brainstorming, and a illuminate the big picture behind what you do and why you do it.


Writing should be written for real people. Duh. That means no stuffy, overcomplicated copy that distracts from your work.


Your work deserves writing that cuts through the noise. Discover a narrative that works with your visuals, not around or against them.

My Approach

A non-exhaustive list of semi-serious ideas about writing & art

You're not the bloody queen of England (yet... ).

This is a good thing. The Queen has probably never worn pants and speaks, well, the Queen’s English; you, however, can act like a real human being. AND you can wear pants. 

My copy is clean & conversational. And it cuts to the heart of what you do. We avoid International Art English.

The story—your story—is everything.​

Either tell it briefly or tell it well. Do both to hedge your bets.

I write narrative-based copy. That means I take a journalist’s approach to tell your story. Even a single sentence has a beginning, middle, and end. 

If you use the pen, you must also use the scissors.

Snip, snip. I really like editing. My goal is to get your audiences’ eyes off the page and back on your work. The cleverest way? Say a lot with a little. Explain complex ideas with clear, simple language. 

About Me

Morgan laurens

Founder, Arts writer & editor

is the editor around here. She has a degree in printmaking and dreams of becoming America’s first official Word-Maker-Upper. But she’ll settle for being the Final Girl in a classic slasher flick—if she gets to write the script. 

Likes: never ending pots of tea, inspiring stories, collaborations, vintage books, a quick (but kind) wit, and delightful conversations—get one started with me today.